Welcome to AFSA
The Association of the French Schools in North America (AFSA) is a membership organization of elementary and secondary schools in the United States and Canada, all of which are accredited by the French Ministry of National Education. The official French curriculum taught in these schools is enriched by aspects of North American culture and educational practice, and by the mastery of English as it is spoken in the United States and Canada. AFSA’s member schools educate bilingual, bicultural students, whose academic excellence prepares them for entrance to the finest European and North American universities.
There are currently 50 AFSA schools throughout the US and Canada. The level of French immersion and the number of subjects taught in English vary by school and grade level.
I am a junior at Berkeley High School and graduated from Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley in 2000 after an undeniably formative ten years in attendance…For me, [the school] presented a playing field upon which I comfortably molded a position for myself. Nestled warmly among familiar faces, while driven by the rigor of a formal French education, I was continually compelled to reevaluate and reassess who and where I was, as well as the more dynamic and daunting questions of who and where I wanted to be…Not only was the school helpful and supportive of all my activities, it simultaneously forged a foundation in which academic accomplishment were expected.
-Eli Marienthal, Class of 2000, Ecole Bilingue
de Berkeley (PK – 8)
The eleven years that I spent at College Stanislas were by far the most determining of my life. Not only did I learn how to study, with an exemplary general knowledge and an exceptional opening to the world, but I also learnt to know myself, finding out ways to take up challenges and building a moral strength, that is still within me and helps me every day.
-Richard Labib, Class of 1989, College Stanislas,
I was very well prepared for University of Tours in France because of attending International School of Indiana. Other American students who were juniors at UDT had trouble understanding the classes in French, but I had no problems as a freshman. ISI gave me a wider point of view and made me want to explore life more.
-Emma Charlebois, Class of 2004,
International School of Indiana
The bilingual education program of the French American International School provides our students with a springboard for a global perspective. The curriculum is taught in English and French in a way that makes learning exciting and challenging, while meeting the high standards of the French and American educational systems.

Association des Ecoles Francaises en Amerique du Nord
Association of French Schools in North America
Association a but non-lucrative creee en 1982